METG 510 Physical Meteorology

As you all know, we don't have many notes to take in this class, so Dave only has a small handful of doodles from this class:

Howie.  c. Oct 2000.

Dave's dog Howie is quite a joy in his life.  This is an excellent likeness of his mutt dog at age 5 months.

The V_rms Titanic.  c. Oct 2000.

Just a sketch illustrating Dave's thought processes.  He has always been fascinated by the Titanic disaster (even before the movie), and this just showed it.  Where's the propeller guy?

Yet Another Variable for the Letter "P".  c. Oct 2000.

In thermodynamics class, we seem to have used more variables than we have letters in the alphabet: both English AND Greek.  Sometimes we even get equations that need to use two of the same letter (actually, you can see one above with both a capital M and a small m.  I guess Dave got pretty frustrated using "P"s for both pressure and momentum, and "rho" (which looks like a "p") for density.

Bohren Chapter 2 Question 3. c Oct 2000.

Dave was thinking about this question, which comes from our Thermodynamics textbook:: "When a cold house is heated quickly by turning on a furnace or lighting a fire, why don't the windows blow out because of the increased pressure?"  The class was supposed to discuss this for a problem set.

Mean Free Path Through a Toilet Paper Tube.  c. Oct 2000.

The instructor said "Imagine a tube...a toilet paper tube, if you will."  And that's precidely what Dave thought of.  'Nuff said.

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